Our realtor and friend, Diane, commissioned this wall art. She told me the story behind her three little nephews and I just really wanted to make something special for their room. Diane's family used to house foster children when she was young. Some came and went quickly, while others were with them for years. One particular foster brother became very close with the family, and they still keep in touch.
A couple summers ago, the brother and his wife had twin baby boys. They already had a 3 year-old son. One of the little twins was diagnosed with Downs Syndrome. This young family was living in a two bedroom apartment, so all three boys were going to have to share one room.
Diane asked me to paint something for her to give the family as a baby gift. She said the boys' room was in a baseball theme, but other than that really had no other direction. I decided to try to make a painting set that allowed the theme of the room to come together, but also give each boy a part that was his own. I came up with the idea of making a set that looked like a baseball locker room. Each boy's painting is a locker with his jersey, and the final locker is the game equipment. They live in Texas, so I painted in Rangers' colors.
I put a lot of time and thought into trying to make this a very special gift for Diane to give to this special family.